Since Thanksgiving is likely to be a low news day, I thought I’d pass on this news report I came across earlier this week. With no political content whatsoever, it might be interesting for those who are either:
a) Tired of candidate diaries and bashing b) Dog lovers and haters c) Exceptionally wealthy people (see article)
Attack Dogs Take Terror to A New Level
Laguna Negra, Brazil, CPI News A heretofore unknown Brazilian dog trainer has created a new protection dog which is taking the dog world by storm according to reports in the Journal Of Canine Hermeneutics. The trainer, Peinhador Luzadon, is credited with reviving the sagging Brazilian guard dog market which is currently suffering because of the poor performance of the Fila Brasilieros and Argentine Dogos often used there. Additionally, the dogs, which only weigh about 25 pounds, have created an entirely new kind of protection dog technique: the Piranha Attack, in which a group of dogs is employed to savage an intruder from all directions with a total body mass greater than that of the larger, more traditional guard dogs.
Only the bones are left, and they get chewed eventually.