In a very Wizard Of Oz sort of way some of the irritated citizens of the country tried to fly a banner over Nancy Pelosi: "Pelosi Impeach Bush! Text IMPEACH to 30644."
Over at Bob Fertik has a short post on this event, which included the group’s plane apparently being chased out of the area by another plane and at least one demonstrater with an IMPEACH-type sign being hustled off by security.
I wonder if it’s even possible for any of these upper-echelon types to actually find out what the peons are feeling; I wonder "If they do know, do they actually care?" I know that recently my own Democratic senator held a town-hall meeting and seemed astounded by the reaction of the audience when he said that impeachment would get in the way of the important work the Senate has and anyway, there wouldn’t be enough votes for it so it was a non-starter. He got roasted. It’s to his credit that he came to the meeting, and I think it was important for him to hear that, but I really do wonder what these people, who live in a very odd and privileged bubble, are able to find out about their constituents’ views.
For two cents I only got four paragraphs.